Baltimore Racial Justice Action


actions for individuals


It can be challenging to know how to continue anti-racist action, process, and practice outside of trainings and readings. The following is a list of ways individuals can contribute to racial justice in their everyday lives.


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Write letters to the editors of newspapers, magazines, newsletters, TV and radio stations when you see examples of structural racism or white privilege at play.

Write to your local, state, and federal officials when you observe biased practices within public systems, the government, or schools.

Speak up to family members, friends, co-workers, and at your house of worship when you observe biased behavior or thinking.

Observe your social and work environments for racial bias in material and behavior. Do something to bring this to people’s attention.

Demand that your local school include a curricula that shows the accomplishments of people of color and honestly examines the history of oppression and resistance.

Demand that your local school practice discipline strategies and offer advanced curricula equitably across racial lines.

Write or call elected officials when legislation relating to racial justice is pending.

Survey the books, other media, and displays in your local library for racial bias and encourage librarians to stock materials by and about people of color. Offer recommended reading lists for anti-racism education.


Attend community association and neighborhood watch meetings, and initiate dialogue about racism in local policing, treatment of teens of color, etc.

Comment online when you see opportunities to address racism or white privilege. 

Vote for local, state and federal candidates who show awareness of the history of racism and take action to dismantle it.

Support companies, political candidates, and news media that promote equity and justice.

Support requests for action from social justice organizations led by people of color.

Support the advancement of people of color to leadership positions in your house of worship, workplace, and social groups.

Identify, connect with, and support allies in the struggle against racism.


Educate yourself about the struggles of local people of color. Ask community leadership groups if and how you can help.

Practice appreciating cultural contributions from races other than your own - visit museums, listen to music, attend continuing education classes, etc.

Read and recommend appropriate books, videos, and articles when racially relevant subjects come up in conversation.

Educate yourself, and the white children in your life, about white identity, the history of oppression and anti-racism work.

Learn about and commemorate holidays that celebrate resistance to racism, and critique and work to transform holidays that represent a history of oppression.

Notice whose voice you give credibility to and whose you don’t, and ask yourself why.

Examine your thoughts when you find yourself making negative judgments about people of color and process those thoughts honestly with yourself and your allies.

Form anti-racism study and action groups with friends, family, and colleagues.


Donate to support BRJA’s work & other anti-racist groups led by people of color.

Support locally-produced, fair-trade goods, and businesses run by people of color.

Attend theater/artistic events that are produced and/or performed by people of color.

Fundraise for racial justice groups and contribute yourself.

Support organized boycott(s) of companies that exploit people/communities of color.