Baltimore Racial Justice Action


Reclaiming the Roots of Audre Lorde's Radical Self Care

When: Thu, Jan 13th 6:00pm —7:30pm

Where: Live on Zoom

Tickets: Donations accepted by PayPal at

Archived Events: This event will be added to our YouTube archives.

13th of the Month Event Series

In Audre Lorde’s 1988 book of essays a ‘Burst oflight’ she talks about the importance of self care.She states, “Caring for myself is not self indulgence.It is self preservation and that is an act of political warfare”.The concept of radical self care started as aconversation among Black women as a tool in thefight for our liberation. But like so many things thatBlack people create, it became watered down,commodified and detached from its politicalcontext.

Join us as we create a space to return to the roots ofradial self care. This space will only be for Blackpeople and other POC’s. We will also be centeringBlack women in this space.

Also we will be doing a guided mediation so feel freeto bring your yoga mats, crystals, sage or whateverelse you would like to bring to help center yourself.