Baltimore Racial Justice Action


A Book & Film Conversation On: Passing by Nella Larsen

When: Mon, Dec 13th 6:00pm —7:30pm

Where: Join Zoom Session
Check our YouTube page for archived event recordings.

Tickets: Donations accepted by PayPal at

13th of the Month Event Series

Nella Larsen's book Passing tells the story of two Black women, former childhood friends, who reunite in adulthood and are endlessly intrigued by how each other lives. The book's title alludes to one of the women's choices to pass for white, a decision that impacts both of them with dire consequences.

Yet, that is just the surface.

Now a Netflix film, a new generation of people get to explore the themes of race, identity, sexuality, and class in Rebecca Hall's adaptation. Between the book and the film, many questions still arise.

What does someone gain and lose by passing? How do we feel about people choosing to pass? Why is this story relevant today?

Join BRJA as we discuss the ever-relevant themes, characters, and lessons of Nella Larsen's final book, Passing!

To Join on the 13th, please click HERE! Spoiler Warning: We will be discussing the plot of the book & film.