Baltimore Racial Justice Action


1864: Maryland's History of Slavery to Emancipation

When: Sat, Nov 13th 2:00pm —3:30pm

Where: Join our Zoom Session

Recordings: Check our YouTube page for archived event recordings.

Tickets: Donations accepted by PayPal at

13th of the Month Event Series

Legal enslavement of Africans and their descendants ended in Maryland in 1864. Prior to that-- and contrary to the state narative of "abolishing slavery"-- Black people were the ones who pressed for freedom, leading insurrections, running away from those who enslaved them, and practicing other forms of resistance such as breaking tools and other acts of sabotage. And it was these acts of resistance that were instrumental in bringing about legal emancipation of Black enslaved populations in Maryland.

Join us as we pay homage to our Ancestors and discuss their role in emancipating Black Maryland.